Delorme inReach Review

In this video we’ll so a review of the Delorme inReach. Now I got this unit from a few months ago and while I was reviewing it, the inReach SE came out. So the only two models available is the inReach for smartphone and SE with a price drop on the older generation inReach.


Basically it’s a little more bulkier than a Garmin GPS MAP62 but with two lithium batteries, it’s unit that you will put in the mesh portion of your backpack and just go. The beauty of this version of that you can pair using an iOS or Android smartphone and using Eartmate app you can totally expand the capabilities of the inReach.

Additional maps, messaging and tracking is available. The maps if you are in the US are gorgeous, but if you are in Canada, you know that the detail won’t be there. However it’s better than nothing, but at the same time I prefer to load up my Garmin with maps.

Satellite acquisition is very fast as compared to the SPOT communicator and being a two way device it is pretty much a 2 way satellite pager. It’s still a very useful piece of tech when you are not in cell phone range.

The only quirk I found was more with my iPhone when there is the recurring GPS accuracy issue where I need to reset the iPhone in order for the GPS chip to get it’s usual accuracy. This is important since when you send a message, it uses the GPS location of your smartphone rather than the inReach.

Depending on your activity, this is a capable unit with long battery, when paired with your smartphone becomes a powerful messaging & mapping device.