In this video I’ll show you how to create a custom workout using the garmin connect smartphone app for Iphone and Android. Make sure you have the September 2017 update for this to work.
Previously we had to create custom workouts for our forerunner
I am going to create a custom workout where I want to have a running activity where I want 10 minute run interval with 1 minute walk, repeated 5 times.
1. Tap on MORE then WORKOUTS
If you had desktop created workouts, you’ll see them listed, but tap on the + on the top right to create a new workout.
2. Select the Activity type, here I will choose RUN.
Garmin Connect will give us a few activity blocks, so I will setup the 10 minute run interval by modifying the pre-loaded block.
3. Change DURATION TYPE to TIME. Note that you can choose other data types, like heart rate training.
4. Change SET DURATION to 10 minutes
Optionally, you can set up an intensity target like speed, pace or heart rate. This is useful when you are doing some very targeted training intervals or programs.
5. Add WALK interval. Same process as step 4 but we will set up 1 min duration.
You can now play around and move the activity or step blocks around. But we need to place our 10 & 1 inside a repeat loop so that we can have a nice workout.
So, we will add a repeat and tap & drag the activities into it so that we can repeat our 10 & 1 up to 5 times. Perfect for a 5k training plan.
Finally, we can clean up any extra steps by tapping on the X icon to remove the step.
6. SAVE, give the workout a name.
From here you can view the workout. Tap on the three dots to edit, duplicate, rename or delete.
To transfer the workout to your garmin device, tap on the icon that looks like a phone with an arrow. From there you will be able to transfer the workout to any of your registered garmin devices.