Grand Pré – Heritage Site

We take a walk along the Parks Canada National Historic Site of Grand Pré.

Located just minutes outsides of Wolfville, Nova Scotia.

Recently, the site, along with the general area was awarded the UNESCO World Heritage Site designation.

The area was important in the early settlement of the North America, will farming villages that started to from in the late 1600’s. It was the hard work of the early Acadians who constructed dykes to convert the salt water marsh into rich farm land. The land itseld it used today and features excellents crops from wineries to good ole corn.


When the Acadians were deported in 1755, New England Planters came to resettle the vacated lands, and usually rebuild on higher ground. Over the years, excavations revealed a treasure trove of information about the early Acadian life.

Grand-Pré National Historic Site of Canada commemorates Grand-Pré area as a centre of Acadian settlement from 1682 to 1755 and the Deportation of the Acadians, which began in 1755 and continued until 1762.

The Landscape of Grand Pré, Nova Scotia, named Canada’s 16th World Heritage Site

The Landscape of Grand Pré is an outstanding example and enduring model of the human capacity to overcome extraordinary natural challenges and cultural ordeals. It is a living agricultural landscape, claimed from the sea in the 17th century and still in use today applying the same technology and the same community-based management. It is also a powerful symbolic landscape for the Acadians who lived in harmony with the native Mi’Kmaq people, were dispersed by the Grand Derangement, and symbolically re-appropriated it in a spirit of peace and cultural sharing with the English-speaking community.


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