Improvised UnderQuilt / Insulation for Hammock Camping

My philosophy on hammock camping is that I can use the same off the shelf equipment that I use for tent camping with little or no modifications. If I have to glue or stitch I’m not interested.


Why An Underquilt?

The problem with any cold weather or winter camping is that we will get cold in area where our body weight crushes the insulation where we have no protection or have cold air circulate in open spaces. Think about your feet getting cold when sleeping in a sleeping bag.

An underquilt solves both problems, but what happens when you don’t have the right piece of gear?


Making Something Out Of Nothing

So I got this reusable emergency blanket and sandwiched a thermarest basecamp pad, some nite-ize figure 9’s and the rope that is included. What I did was make an improvised underquilt by using the therma rest to provide the insulation and the emergency blanket as the wind protection. I then tied each end of the blanket to a piece of 3mm rope (provided when you buy a figure 9), through the clip of the ENO single nest an crossed the lines over the hammock.

Now I can get into the hammock and tighten the lines overhead to press the blanket underside of the hammock.


The Aftermath

The only issues I experienced was being a bit cold under my lower thighs to my knees as it was the only part that was not touching the “underquilt”. My torso up to my neck was warm.

Testing during 9C with a moderate breeze coming directly behind me, so that I could definitely feel the cold air within minutes of getting settled.

I imagine that by having my tarp setup, I would not feel that breeze.

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