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Launch & Chat Garrison Brewing 2012 NiT-WiT Belgian Style Wheat Beer

The awesome folks at Garrison Brewing allowed me to drop in on a busy day; the 2012 launch of NiT-WiT. 



This is a 4.8% ABV Belgian Style Wheat Beer, a 2010 winner of Garrison’s Ultimate Brew-Off Competition and a 2011 Bronze medal winner at the Canadian Brewing Awards.


I chatted with Brian Titus, president of Garrison and asked a few questions about Nit-Wit, the Brew-Off and some of the challenges of brining these beers to market.


There are a few news bombs peppered within the video, so pay close attention as you’ll learn what Garrison has planned for the next year.


The live review follows this initial chat



Talking Specifically about NiT-WiT 1:03

2012 Brew Off Competition 5:49

2011 Brew Off Winner Black Lager 8:25

Any More Mash-Ups? 10:40

Garrison Expansion? 11:09

What’s Limiting Craft Beer in Nova Scotia? 12:30


One of the most versatile beer styles with most foods from fish to hot and spicy dishes. Perfect pairing for brunch, salads (with vinaigrette) and virtually all types of cheese.


Warm golden color, hazy. Complex fruit (orange, tropical) and spicy aroma. Medium body with pleasant finish. A refreshing, crisp Belgian-inspired wheat ale.


Bitterness: Low

Cereals: Pale ale malt, unmalted wheat and oat flakes

Hops: German Hallertau and Cascade 

Adjuncts: Candied Sugar, High Malt Glucose & Coriander

IBU: 12

ABV: 4.8%

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