I want to talk about the three main areas when considering a Tilley Hat. I’ll be using three styles of hats from my collection to demonstrate Build Quality, Sizing & Maintenance along with a few tips how to clean and wear your Tilley hat.
Tag: tilley hat
What To Consider When Buying A Tilley Hat
Tilley Wool Fedora Montana Hat
Last time I talked about Tilley hats, they more mostly warm weather hats. Ever since I was thinking about expanding my collection to include hats that I could wear in colder months of the year; specifically from labour day to Easter.
After browsing a number of sites that could ship to Canada, I couldn’t quite find what I wanted. In a last hope I went back to the Tilley website and lo and behold they had the TWF1 right there.
🤠 Click here to view it on Amazon.com
Not exactly a Tilley hat, it is a fedora style and resembles that outback fedora style you see with other producers.
100% wool felt this hat has a lot of Tilley manufacturing elements such as the stitched brim, sweatband and secret pocket in the liner. From afar, it looks like a non-Tilley hat design. Being a colder weather hat, it also includes ear warmers.
After several months of wearing the hat during the winter months of early 2020 and now latter end of 2020 – I can now give my opinions of this hat.
First of all, this is an expensive hat, by far the most expensive I’ve spent money on. But yet this in some situations, this hat performs the way I expected but on others some of the design choices makes me want to chuck it.
This hat is meant for the rain. There are no agents to make the hat stiff or repel water thus the claim of being rain & snow repellent is kinda stretched. If you ever worn a wool jacket over the winter, you kinda already have a good idea how this hat will perform in snow, but rain is not the right environment for this hat. If you are planning something outdoors and rain is expected for most of your outing, I’d choose another hat.
That being said, in cold weather this hat does keep my head warm. Where wind is freezing my ears the ear flaps does a fantastic job and I’ve been able to walk in -15C windchill along the Atlantic coast no problem. Wearing a buff or scarf will also give you good protection.
Now the ear warmers lost its effiencency when you start to build up a sweat or the eventual rain soaks into it. The material just soaks up moisture. The end result is that you feel like you are wearing a wet sock if you take the hat off and put it back on later. It is not quick drying. I think this could be updated.
Speaking of the ear warmers and sock. Depending how you adjust the ear warmers, they will eventually unroll exposing them making look like you are wearing a beanie underneath – killing the look.