Brasserie Breughel – Bière de Vigne Rosée

Here we are reviewing Brasserie Breughel Bière de Vigne Rosée which is a strong ale with a strong grape taste to it. I’ll be honest, this thing was wierd, it reminded me of fizzy fruit punch. However being 8% brew, it was very light & refreshing tasting.

I give it points for being different and so refreshing for being a high alcohol beer, but the grape taste would throw people off. Due to the brewing process, expect sediment in your bottle & glass depending on your pour.

Brewed by Brasserie Breughel Style: Fruit Beer St-Germain de Kamouraska, Canada Serve in Flute

An original marriage between barley and grapes. The blush head of this “vine beer” and its deep red color, hide its complex structure and distinc flavor of cherries, blackcurrants and raspberries. The malt softens its tannins, giving its aging potential.