This week the boys get back and compare notes from another week of isolation during the COVID-19 outbreak. We talked about how life is in our areas, the lineup and what we are watching on the streaming services.
This week the boys get back and compare notes from another week of isolation during the COVID-19 outbreak. We talked about how life is in our areas, the lineup and what we are watching on the streaming services.
We are back after a LONG break, and what better way to spend a friday night is to stumble with technology and use new tools to continue the hangout.
That’s right! The band is getting back together cause too much monkey loose from a cocaine experiment news to not talk about!
We are halfway through our deep dive into the 80’s where as teenage boys we were into wrestling, new coke, compact dics. Windows 1.0 came out, some of us started to get into the PC computers, dialling into BBS and downloading stuff like tetris.
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1984 was a big year, we were 12 and 17 where music took over our lives. So much pop culture came out in terms of movies, books, tv and the LA olympics. But on the flip side you had one of the worst man made disasters in India with over 20 thousand people dying.
AIDS just started filtering down to high school and barely understood what was happening.
Walkman cassette players were a fixture with your music video channels.
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Here we go as we deep dive into 1983, a big year for music for both of us. We talk about the big albums, yes LP’s not as much cassettes. We also talked about how close were to nuclear war with some major events happening over the pacific.
But we can’t forget about some of the toys that took over like cabbage patch dolls, my little pony and other atrocities that continue to this day.
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Here we go as we deep dive into 1982, part of our series into this decade. We found out that this year was a big year for us. E.T. of course was a big movie at the time, you either watched it in a cinema or at the drive-in.
The top song that year from Joan Jett which was huge. Try to list another one? Big duos and keyboards started to come out. Human League had a big video. Which you hear more often than those duos.
But what stood the test of time? Poltergeist.. huge! How many movie have taken bits from this flick. Our horror movie era.
We also talk about some of the news headlines and other things that we still remember.
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Oh yeah! part 2 of our deep dive into the 1980’s focusing on the year 1981 with Jocelyn.
We focused a lot on the movies from that year. That year where movie ratings started to matter, where some of us could sneak into movies while I was getting shocked by Raiders of the Lost Ark. Which still holds up nicely and deserves a viewing.
Drive-in’s were starting to be on the downturn. Cannonball Run was probably the last of its kind, where if you were to search for clips on youtube, still fantastic to watch. But who can forget my story about how I watched Porky’s in a flooded basement.
James Bond is still Roger Moore with his over the top movies, For Your Eyes Only including Sheena Easton title track keeping me up at night.
Can’t forget about Microsoft MSDOS version 1. Shipped on objects known as the save icon today. MTV music video station debuted.
and a bunch more stuff….
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Oh yeah! part 1 of our deep dive into the 1980’s focusing on the year 1980 with Jocelyn.
That was a long time ago, I was still a kid, Jocelyn was just getting into the swing of things as a teenager and discovering things like booze, drugs and women. He would say that he was more aware, but anyway…
Some big things that came online in 1980 was CNN! Both of us wasn’t aware of it until 1990 since cable came late in my neck of the woods.
Ronald Reagan and the Moscow Olympic boycott held a special spot in our memory, whether it was the previous Olympics in Montreal or the stickers on Chiquita bananas.
The post-it note was also introduced in 1980. Which is funny because Jim is in IT and a way design solutions is to take a lot of post-its and plaster them on the wall.
Pacman and videos games really started with Arcades in general taking control in many rooms across the world. I really liked Operation Wolf later in the 80’s.
Terry Fox started his marathon of hope in Newfoundland, which we will cover in a later episode, but we are still talking about the guy 37 years later.
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With Stranger Things coming back for a second season on Netflix, Jocelyn and I talked about how the 80’s itself is coming back hard. So we asked ourselves; what was the BEST year from the 80’s?
You know what? we couldn’t do it! So we decided to do a DEEP DIVE into the 80’s in a MEGA 10 PART series where we focus on each year within the 80’s for the next 10 episodes.
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