Cooking Yankee Pot Roast Outdoors in A Dutch Oven

Easy Pot Roast While At Camp

Cooking Yankee pot roast outdoors in a dutch oven is one of the great things about cooking outdoors on a nice day is taking your time and enjoying the smell of the charcoal and food while enjoying a few craft beers. So today I decided to make Yankee Pot Roast in my Lodge Dutch Oven over a bed of coals.

This is a traditional pot roast. Very basic ingredients, making this a cheaper meal option that the other recent dishes I made. The source for this dish used a different cut of meat, so my end result was a nice shredded stew that filled you up nice as compared to something that you can cut into slices.

I paired this dish with one of my favorite Double IPA from Garrison Brewing – a local craft brewery.

I’m thinking a great dish to make at camp in the fall.


3-4 pound sirloin pot roast (source used chuck roast)
1 large onion
3 carrots
2 celery stalks
1 large (28oz) can stewed tomatoes
1 3/4 cup of water or other liquid
1 teaspoon of salt
1/2 teaspoon of pepper
1 teaspoon of thyme
4-5 potatoes (I used 3 handfuls of mini red and 3 mini sweet potato)



get the dutch oven nice and hot so that you can sear the meat on each side. Do this 1-2 min per side.

Once done, just dump in all the ingredients EXCEPT for the potatoes, we’ll keep that for the last 30 minutes.

Get the mixture & meat up to a low boil and bring down to a simmer where you will tend to this for about 2 hours.

The meat should fall apart and makes for a great hearty bowl of food.

Yankee pot roast in the #dutchoven basic ingredients smells awesome #outside #foodies #campfood

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