What we are drinking tonight
- PICAROONS – Will have a launch party for their winter warmer, check out their FB page.
- GARRISON – Having a naming contest for their Hal-con Klingon beer. Check out the details on their FB page. Double Jack Pumpkin ale is pretty much gone, but their stout has appeared.
- HELL BAY – Sponsoring a local hockey team by having their logo on a very cool hockey jersey.
- Robbery using a gateaway canoe
- Ships Starts Here Update
- Jian Ghomeshi circus
- Toronto Votes!
- NORTH BREWING – Farmhouse is back and try out the newest Saison de L’acadie using acadie grapes and local honey.
- TRAIL SHOP – Continues their Tuesday Talk series. Check their FB page for the schedule. 2$ admission or food donation to get in.
- INREACH CANADA- Will have their winter promo starting on Saturday, check out their FB page
- SEA LEVEL – Still some punkin grinner ale and blooberry ale around the private stores before they are gone.
- YouTube considering ad-free subscription service
- Liquor store shelf collapse in Whitehorse spills $50K — mostly fine scotch
- Ebola Nurse in Fort Kent Maine
- Wayback Machine: 2000