Tag: bay of fundy

  • Hiking Burntcoat Head Park in Nova Scotia

    WARNING- Be aware of the tide schedule

    We took advantage of the low tide along the Bay of Fundy and drove up to Burntcoat head park to walk along the ocean floor. for a few hours before the tide came back.

    The Bay of Fundy tides this time of year drop from 44ft to 4ft, allowing you to walk along the ocean floor in several spots. Depending on which are, you either walk in mud or hard rock.

    Burntcoat head park is such a location, settled in 1796, there were three lighthouses that kept boats away from the coastline. The original lighthouse was actually on the tea pot island which is the landmark feature of the park, but once erosion were down the connection, another lighthouse was rebuilt more inland.

    The lighthouse now contains a museum and you can climb up to the top free of admission. Recent park upgrades now include flush toilets, picnic tables, chairs and redeveloped stone stair down to the ocean floor.

    The hiking path at the park is a looped path through the garden and lookout spots. When you arrive during low tide, then you will be able to get down to the ocean floor.

    You’ll be able to venture about for a few hours, but once the tide comes in, you absolutely need to make it back to shore. The rising tides along the Bay of Fundy are deceptive and quick.

    Expect to hike a good 4-5km depending on your route and how far out you are able to go at low tide.

    burntcoat head park hiking track file


    waypoints at park


    View this track via google maps

    Learn more about the park via http://www.burntcoatheadpark.ca/

  • Cape Chignecto – Red Rocks & McGahey Canyon Trail

    When visiting the West Advocate entrance to Cape Chignecto Provincial Park, you have a 3, 5 & 9k hiking loops for day use visitors.

    We took advantage of the low tide in the Bay of Fundy to hike almost 1.5km along the beach which is not the red sand of Blomindon which we can see in the distance, but rather the hard rock. We can also see some coal rocks. Joggins, a UNESCO site just 30 min drive from here, was the site of coal mining.
