Tag: friday night hangout
Episode 21 – Business Continuity Plans
[powerpress] This week the boys get back and compare notes from another week of isolation during the COVID-19 outbreak. We talked about how life is in our areas, the lineup and what we are watching on the streaming services.
FNHangout – Spring Time
[powerpress] SHOW TOPICS What we are drinking tonight Starbucks rolls out beer, wine at three Toronto locations http://www.thestar.com/business/2016/04/01/starbucks-rolls-out-beer-wine-at-three-toronto-locations.html Canadian Kinder Surprise smuggling ring broken up by US officials http://www.cbc.ca/radio/thisisthat/best-of-this-is-that-parks-canada-wildlife-fee-no-ball-soccer-unpaid-intern-male-doula-1.2843299/canadian-kinder-surprise-smuggling-ring-broken-up-by-us-officials-1.2843300 Swiss Chalet owners Cara buying St-Hubert http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/cara-st-hubert-purchase-1.3513922 Maritime boat building ‘boom’ fuelled by lobster industry http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/lobster-boatyard-boom-waittimes-1.3525892 PETA Just Made A Very Bizarre Claim About What Eating…
#FNHangout – Hop Like A Bunny
[powerpress] We’ll do a roundup of news from the past week and the usual segment like “What we are drinking tonight” and a round of +1’s which is a quick plug of what the panel enjoyed viewing, reading, discovering on the web.
#FNHangout – That’s LAS Vegas
[powerpress] Back from Vegas with heavy jet lag, but still enough energy for the hangout! We’ll do a roundup of news from the past week and the usual segment like “What we are drinking tonight” and a round of +1’s which is a quick plug of what the panel enjoyed viewing, reading, discovering on…
FNHangout – Turn Down For What
[powerpress] LIVE STREAM: https://youtu.be/0Tq45fej8yQ Join the panel as we discuss the news from the past week. Expect to see the usual segments such as “What we are drinking tonight” which highlights the local craft beer scene and the round of +1 where we recommend something we read, clicked, watched in the past week. SHOW…
#FNHangout – Rudderless
[powerpress] LIVE STREAM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZSp3kDbIwc Join the panel as we discuss the news from the past week. Expect to see the usual segments such as “What we are drinking tonight” which highlights the local craft beer scene and the round of +1 where we recommend something we read, clicked, watched in the past week. SHOW…
FNHangout – I Can Beat IBM’s Watson
[powerpress] Join the panel as we discuss the news from the past week. Expect to see the usual segments such as “What we are drinking tonight” which highlights the local craft beer scene and the round of +1 where we recommend something we read, clicked, watched in the past week. SHOW TOPICS What we…
#FNHangout – I See My Shadow
[powerpress] LIVE STREAM FEED: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtIZIBMmnYc Join the panel as we discuss the news from the past week. Expect to see the usual segments such as “What we are drinking tonight” which highlights the local craft beer scene and the round of +1 where we recommend something we read, clicked, watched in the past…
#FNHangout – It’s Date Night
[powerpress] Join the panel as we discuss the news from the past week. Expect to see the usual segments such as “What we are drinking tonight” which highlights the local craft beer scene and the round of +1 where we recommend something we read, clicked, watched in the past week. SHOW TOPICS The…
#FNHangout – Bo on The Go!
[powerpress] LIVE STREAM FEED: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kAlKlBqbHc Join us as we grab a drink and blab about local news from the past week and other topics of interest. Make note of the new hashtag #FNHangout and the highly anticipated What we are drinking tonight segment which highlights the local craft beer scene. SHOW TOPICS How to properly…