Tag: friday night hangout
#FNHangout – Nothing Good Comes After Midnight
[powerpress] Join us as we grab a drink and blab about local news from the past week and other topics of interest. Make note of the new hashtag #FNHangout to comment & participate during the live stream. The What we are drinking tonight segment which highlights the local craft beer scene usually starts off the stream.…
#FNHangout You Think I Ain’t Worth a Dollar
Listen to the Podcast! [powerpress] Join us as we grab a drink and blab about local news from the past week and other topics of interest and the highly anticipated What we are drinking tonight segment which highlights the local craft beer scene. Comment via the hashtag #FNHangout Show Topics P.E.I garage with sexist sign gets…
#FNHangout – The Man Who Sold The World
[powerpress] LIVE STREAM FEED: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NehB8Zjd-gc Join us as we grab a drink and blab about local news from the past week and other topics of interest. Make note of the new hashtag #FNHangout and the highly anticipated What we are drinking tonight segment which highlights the local craft beer scene. SHOW TOPICS Councillors receive a…
#FNHangout Already Broke My 2016 Resolutions
[powerpress] REPLAY STREAM FEED: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIzGop-g9PE Join us as we grab a drink and blab about local news from the past week and other topics of interest. Make note of the new hashtag #FNHangout and the highly anticipated What we are drinking tonight segment which highlights the local craft beer scene. SHOW TOPICS What we…
The Hangout Returns! Jan 1 2016
What better way to ring in the new year than the return of the Friday Night Hangout!! Join us as we grab a drink and blab about local news from the past week and other topics of interest. Make note of the new hashtag #FNHangout and the highly anticipated What we are drinking tonightsegment which highlights…
People got Plans – October 13 2015
[powerpress] Join us on Friday night with the panel as we discuss the latest topics that caught our attention. SHOW TOPICS What we are drinking tonight Federal Election is on Monday Vaping crackdown happening everywhere http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/newfoundland-labrador/vaping-ecigarettes-waterford-valley-high-students-1.3272803 http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/prince-edward-island/p-e-i-e-cigarette-vaping-restrictions-begin-sept-1-1.3203857 Nova Star Ferry not paying its bills? http://www.wmtw.com/money/nova-star-cruises-vows-to-pay-pastdue-bills/35845034 Toronto Blue Jays passed round 1, now game 1 tonight…
We Got Lots of Opinions – October 9 2015
[powerpress] It’s that time again for the panel to assemble, have a brew and talk about the latest news topics from the past week. SHOW TOPICS What we are drinking tonight Harper and his dirty politics Refugee halt from PMO – http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/prime-ministers-office-ordered-halt-to-refugee-processing/article26713562/ Plastic bags are slowly going away http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/newfoundland-labrador/no-more-plastic-bags-for-shoppers-on-fogo-island-1.3193018 Urban Outfitters great fall idea http://www.cbc.ca/news/trending/urban-outfitters-weekend-work-1.3263760…
Apple Cider is like Helium – October 2 2015
[powerpress] Join us for the latest #FridayNighthangout session! SHOW TOPICS What we are drinking tonight Kim Davis and The Pope http://flip.it/Wd95G http://www.cnn.com/2015/10/02/us/kim-davis-pope/index.html Selfie Deaths http://mashable.com/2015/09/21/selfie-deaths/#RRyg7hH25kq7 Nobody wants to pay for news http://www.poynter.org/news/mediawire/375848/paying-for-news-is-not-a-popular-option-for-millennials/ Jays clinch AL East http://www.cbc.ca/sports/baseball/mlb/blue-jays-orioles-recap-mlb-1.3251143. Nova Star Ferry – AGAIN http://thechronicleherald.ca/novascotia/1314521-nova-star-passenger-numbers-down-from-last-september
Back in School – September 18 2015
[powerpress] We are back from our summer holiday and ready to resume our weekly schedule. The panel is back and ready to talk about the latest news topics that caught our eye and a round of +1’s – stuff that we discovered while browsing. University professor refuses to wear a FM transmitter for hearing…
August 28 2015 – Halifax Can’t Mow Grass
[powerpress] Welcome to Avoiding Chores’ Friday Night Hangout, our weekly maritime kitchen party on google+ hangouts and our best-of podcast. Check back later today as the show topics are being set. The fun starts at 9:30pm AST