Tag: homebrew
Big Spruce – Tip of The Spear
It was Halifax Seaport Seafest weekend, and Jeremy from Big Spruce Brewery brought down 2 growlers of the “Tip of the Spear” Spruce Beer for us to try out.
ESB – Homebrew Review
We will be trying out a special homebrew sent to us by user Spears104 and his version of an Extra Special Bitter.
Festa Brew Beer Kit – Marzen Lager Review
I had prepared a batch of Festa Brew Marzen Lager and was supposed to save a bottle for our regular beer review, but it was so delicious that I drank the last bottle! This really needed to age another few weeks to really get the lager taste out. I felt it was a bit…
Festa Brew-Homebrewing-Pale Ale-Unboxing
This shows the 1st step of brewing beer the Festa Brew way. This is great for beginners like me, but after I get some experience, I hope to do it the old fashioned way.
Homebrew – The easy way part 4 – last step
Started home brewing some beer to save some money. Using a real easy kit and hopefully the experience will get me to more conventional methods. This is the last step where I transfer from the carboy to the bucket and do a little “bulk priming” then do another transfer into the bottles. They sit for…
Homebrew – The easy way part 3
Started home brewing some beer to save some money. Using a real easy kit and hopefully the experience will get me to more conventional methods. This is 7 days after part 2, where most of the fermentation will finish up in the carboy. The next step will be to bottle.
Homebrew – The easy way part 2
Started home brewing some beer to save some money. Using a real easy kit and hopefully the experience will get me to more conventional methods. This bit is pretty simple, just explaining each step. This is 4 days after part 1, where most of the fermentation has taken place in the bucket. I basically put…
Homebrew – The easy way part 1
Started home brewing some beer to save some money. Using a real easy kit and hopefully the experience will get me to more conventional methods. This bit is pretty simple, just explaining each step. The rest of the steps Part 2 Part 3 Part 4