Tag: waterfalls

  • Waterfalls and Big Spruce – Trails to Ales in Cape Breton

    I teamed up with Expedia Canada to check out some great day hiking spots which also happened to be near some of the local craft breweries that are sprinkled across Nova Scotia.

    With the rugged coastline and killer views around Nova Scotia, exploring waterfalls within a day hike is one of those little pleasures asĀ the exploration level is set to high. So with my maps in hand, I narrowed my waterfall search aroundĀ Baddeck, Cape Breton.


  • Wards Falls

    Wards Falls

    Wards Falls is very common trail that hikers around these parts bring up as they discuss their most favorite hikes. So after a early snow fall in the area, I decided that it was finally time to drive up to Parrsboro and check out the sights! (more…)