We are reviewing a fan favorite here in Nova Scotia – Boxing Rock’s The Vicar’s Cross – Double IPA. It’s pretty hard to find this in stores. We were at a recent food pairing event featuring Boxing Rock and it was the first time I witnessed people applauding when this beer came out.
Coming in at 8.5% AVA this is a complex double IPA which should be of interest to anyone who is a fan of the style or want a little more ooumf!.
Due to demand, it is actually a bit difficult to find on NSLC shelves, so when you do see it – buy it.
Double IPA is also called Imperial IPA and we typically expect to find a intense hop aromas, nice amber to orange color, clean finish without a heavy malt taste to distract from the hop bitterness. Despite the additional alcohol, it should still be an easy drinking beer.
Our Tasting Notes
Color – Copper / Amber color, kinda on the orange side. Thick head.
Aroma – Intense floral, fruit, grapefruit and other citrus aromas.A bit of resin, wet grass.
Mouthfeel – Our bottle was a bit less carbonated. Little bit of dryness. Heavy mouth feel.
Flavour – Very smooth, a bit of burn at the end. Nice balance with the bitter hops & malt. Lots of flavors as you drink once you getpast the initial bitterness of the hops.