- What we are drinking tonight
NORTH BREWING – Barrel aged Dark Belgian out in bottles NOW!
TRAIL SHOP – Holiday hours until Christmas
INREACH CANADA – They got a giveaway promo going on until the 14th on their FB page
GARRISON BREWING – Spruce Beer is out today!
LADIES BEER LEAGUE – Brunch event at Stillwell December 14th, check their FB page for last minute cancellations to get a ticket
PICAROONS – starting their 12 days of Christmas campaign today
HELL BAY – Will be pouring pints at the next national blacksmith conference in Baddeck in July 2015
SEA LEVEL – High Street Wee Heavy Scotch Ale is out!
- Hallmark has gift wrap swastikas
- Man throws snake at Tim Horton’s employee
- Man swapped furniture while neighbors away
- Wayback machine: 2011
- Podcast review