#FridayNightHangout November 21 2014

Join us live by grabbing a drink and go over some of the news items from the past week from Halifax Nova Scotia and beyond with the panel. This is an interactive #hangoutsonair where we take viewer comments via YouTube, google+, twitter and https://avoidingchores.com


  • What we are drinking tonight

INREACH CANADA – Check out their holiday promo when activating a new inreach device.
TRAIL SHOP – Open on Sundays until XMAS, and Anniversary sale is on now.
PICAROONS – is now a Certifies B Corporation, joining Beau’s as the only breweries in Canada to have this certification
LADIES BEER LEAGUE – Working on new events for 2015

*CONTEST GIVEAWAY – Sponsored by Keysmart – Open until November 28 2014 – [ENTER HERE] *

NORTH BREWING – Belgian Milk Stout is out today at brewery, next week in bottles at Bishop’s! Limited supply of Nuppeppo Saison at the brewery
GARRISON BREWING- Winter Warmer is out now in 6-packs
HELL BAY – CHOCOLATE 6% Wheat Ale is out and available at the brewery and selected restaurants
SEA LEVEL – Porter is out now!